“The Future of Work – Labour after Laudato si’” Project hopes to contribute to a “rethinking” of work which is critical today. The Project was developed along seven research tracks with clear transversal lines and inter-connections as well as complementarities.

  In addition to the seven research tracks, the same actors and other partners were involved in advocacy and formation initiatives. Some aimed at building a global network of faith-based and social actors engaged in the world of work, others at developing the capacity of partner organizations to raise awareness, develop proposals and implement public advocacy.

The journey, which now is concluding, led to proposals to extend the Decent Work Agenda at a time when the world is facing a severe economic and social disruption. The objective is to secure a safe environmental and social transition while revealing that “work is care, care is work”.

This Report describes the implications of this vision linking care and work. At the same time, it outlines a pathway towards change and transformation. The vision and pathways are deeply connected and reinforce each other, as the Report describes.

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