CeSPI is member of many national and international networks.
Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CroP) Network in Bergen
International network, based in Norway, formed by experts in the field of poverty and social exclusion, in relation to both, high-income countries and developing countries.
Development Institutes Network
Formed by the research institutes of the OECD's donor countries. The network organizes annual meetings on the most innovative aspects of policies for development cooperation.
EADI (European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes)
The main European network of universities and research institutes in the field of international development and cooperation. Marco Zupi was the Italian Representative in the Executive Committee for two terms (2008-2014) in addition to being member of the President's office and deputy head of the working groups; He is now convenor of the working groups on evaluation and development finance.
Italian Development Studies Network
An informal network of Italian development experts, promoted by CeSPI.
Regional Observatory on banks and financial and business enterprises (OBI)
a limited liability consortium formed by many banks from Southern Italy and Confindustria's southern regional branches to promote greater knowledge of the regional productive systems implemented in Southern Italy and in the Mediterranean.
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
An association of approximately 8.000 political scientists from more than 300 academic and research institutions throughout Europe and whose aim is to support research, education and cross-national cooperation through the organization of events (workshops, round tables, conferences and summer schools), the publication of journals, newsletters and books and an ample training activity.
The Reality of Aid (RoA)
The only major international non-governmental network of North-South NGOs and institutions carrying out analysis and initiatives focused on fighting poverty and producing a biennial report on development cooperation "The Reality of Aid. An Independent Review of Poverty Reduction and Development Assistance". CeSPI has been a member since 1996.
Since 2005, CeSPI is member of this network of approximately 80 institutes specialized in economic research, representing the 35 countries part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. FEMISE manages EU funds for research in the field of Economics in relation to the Barcelona Process.
Finance for Development
International network for debate on the development aspects of the UN's Agenda, comprising non-governmental organizations and institutions.
Keynesian Inspired Economics Network (KIEnet)
An international network of scholars and professors of International and Public Economics, specifically focused on the Keynesian contribution to the analysis of the processes for socio-economic and institutional changes.
International Group on Comparative methods for the Advancement of Systematic cross-case analysis and Small-N studies (COMPASS) in Louvain, Belgium
An international network of experts in quali-quantitative data analysis and comparative analysis methodologies in the field of social sciences.
Network for European Social Policy Analysis (ESPANET), Aalborg University, Aalborg
European network of experts in welfare state systems and EU social policies.
Red de Gobernabilidad para el Desarrollo (RedGob)
A network promoted by the European Office of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) which gathers European and Latin-American institutions and is specialized in issues related to the governance and relations EU-Latin-America.
The University of Common Goods
Academic international network promoted by Riccardo Petrella.
The Network of Mediterranean Institutes (RIM)
Promoted by Mediterranean Regions with the goal of bolstering their cooperation and increasing the consistency and efficacy of their policies in the area, RIM network comprises six research institutes appointed by the respective countries to propose a common strategy and some guidelines to enhance cooperation within the Mediterranean Region. The members are: the Three Cultures Foundation (Andalusia); the European Mediterranean Institute, IEMed (Catalonia); The Mediterranean Institute (Provence-Alps-Côte d'Azur);the Paralleli Institute (Piedmont); the Robert Schuman Centre for advanced studies of the European University Institute and the network MAEM/MEMA (Tuscany); CeSPI (Latium).
Cercle Prospectif de la Méditerranée (CPM)
of which CeSPI has been a member since 2010, is brought to life and coordinated by the Foundation Méditerranéenne d’Etudes Stratégiques of Tolone: it is a network for dialogue among experts from Northern, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean which - together with territorial entities - allows, simply and without obligations, to collect, compare and distribute its members' studies on crucial issues concerning the development and security in the Mediterranean.
RECFRONTERAS, Network on Comparative Border Studies
Is promoted by the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) and by the Centre for Research on Nutrition and Development (CIAD), Mexico, with the participation of CeSPI, Turin University, Universities of Seville, Huelva and Vigo, Spain and the University of Arizona, USA. The network organizes international conventions and studies on regional integration and trans-border cooperation.
The Global Forum on Development e Development Finance Network (DeFiNe), OECD
Wise Cities – A Glocal Think Tank Network
Coordinated by CIDOB in Barcelona, this network gathers various think tanks operating, in all the continents, on urban development, quality of life of cities inhabitants in different fields (such as social inclusion, environment, transportation, global governance, etc.) with the objective of supporting the local authorities and the International Organizations involved in this sector and to influence the process for the localization of SDGs.
RIDE (Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue)
a think tank of think tanks gathering approximately 70 associations and working to achieve the objectives of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, forming a common vision on Mediterranean issues and facilitating grouping and collaboration among its members. Constantly in contact with MAECI, RIDE wants to outreach academy and civil society, a lab of ideas and concrete actions for collaboration between the public and private sector, serving Italian and European institutions.