The geographical areas over which CeSPI focuses its research activity are those of greater interest for Italy and its international perspective over its evolution.
CeSPI's research activity is policy-oriented, aimed at making a valuablecontribution to the political and scientific debate on international issues, in a dialogue with policy-makers - at national and territorial level - and civil society.
Geopolitical scenarios
In-depth studies, analysis and geopolitical and economic forecast on five focal regions for international relations, with which there are consolidated activities and relations: Russia, Balkans, Mediterranean Basin, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin-America.
European Agenda
European integration prospects, transatlantic relations and safety strategies represent three key aspects on which to promote research activities, debate and joint analysis with other Italian and European Centres, with the goal to contribute to the creation and implementation of European policies.
"Historical" line of research, analysing the many aspects of sustainable development, fight against poverty, Italian, European and multilateral strategies for international cooperation, with the goal of orienting policies and defining action measures, always promoting a dialogue among institutions, Italian and European actors and partner countries.
Starting in the 90s, the axis focuses on: driving factors of migratory flows; migratory routes; reception; integration - including remittances, financial inclusion and entrepreneurship; Italian and European Policies; diasporas support; migrants' key role for the development in the countries of origin.