Focus Balcani
The first Summit of the new European Political Community will be held in Prague, which will see the participation of the 6 states of the Western Balkans alongside the Member States of the European Union. The aim of the Summit will be to create a new platform for dialogue and political cooperation...
Focus Balcani
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, announced the intention to cancel the annual event of EuroPride - an annual event that is held every year in a different European capital and that this year should have been held in Belgrade from 12 to 18 September - due to the delicate situation in Kosovo. The...
Focus Balcani
At the last summit of the Open Balkans initiative held in Belgrade on 2 September - during which Hungary was a participant for the first time -, Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia called for European Union to receive assistance in order to face the winter and the problems related to electricity...
Focus Balcani
During the informal meeting of the European Union Defence Ministers held in Prague on 29 and 30 August, the Italian Minister of Defence, Lorenzo Guerini, announced Italy’s decision to increase its national contingent of 250 units in Kosovo, as part of the KFOR Mission. Next October, in fact, after...
Focus Balcani
On the occasion of the Strategic Forum in Bled on 29 and 30 August, the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced the new European strategic thinking, which is based on three key points . The first point concerns the objective of the European Union to neutralize Russia’s "...
Il progetto mira a fornire una fotografia delle dinamiche e dell’impatto del posizionamento turco-russo nel Mediterraneo allargato e nei teatri di crisi con l’obiettivo di proporre linee di azioni utili ai policy makers italiani, con particolare attenzione alla questione dell’approvvigionamento...
Osservatorio - Focus
La bozza del presidente tunisino Kaïs Saïed sarà sottoposta a referendum il 25 luglio prossimo. A rischio la transizione democratica avviata dalla Tunisia dopo la rivoluzione del 2011spiega Mattia Giampaolo, ricercatore CeSPI - nel video per la rubrica Geoeconomia di Quindicinale ilBollettino a...
La guerra in Ucraina è destinata a prolungarsi, con conseguenze economiche e sociali sempre più pesanti per l’Europa. Crisi energetica, caro bollette, inflazione galoppante costringono i governi a inventare misure d’emergenza per l’autunno, su cui pende peraltro la non trascurabile minaccia di un’...
Il progetto I.C.A.R.E. - Integration and Community Care for Asylum and Refugees in Emergency, coordinato dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna con la partecipazione di Regione Siciliana, Regione Toscana e Regione Lazio, coinvolge 27 aziende sanitarie territoriali e punta a migliorare l’accesso ai Servizi...