Building and replicating good practices to strengthen the economic and financial inclusion of migrants lessons learned from the empower project in Italy (Turin)

Anna Ferro e Daniele Frigeri

At the conclusion of the Empower project, CeSPI conducted a systematic analysis of its results and lessons learned, with the aim of providing valuable insights for those interested in replicating, adapting, or developing similar initiatives in other contexts.

This capitalization effort seeks to identify the project's strengths—such as the quality of the partnership and the expertise involved—as well as the challenges encountered, for instance, the difficulty of integrating needs analysis and awareness among beneficiaries. Furthermore, it highlights the factors that contributed to the project's success, such as the specificity of the local context, and the obstacles that limited its effectiveness, including the limited engagement of local authorities. The outcome is a series of recommendations structured as lessons learned.

Over its two years of implementation, the Empower project engaged seven partners, operated with a budget of €500,000 (plus a non-repayable grant of €50,000), trained 600 professionals, and reached over 400 beneficiaries, including third-country nationals. Thanks to its ability to generate concrete and measurable results, its replicability—under certain conditions—and its financial sustainability, the project stands as a best practice aligned with principles of justice and equity in both actions and outcomes.

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