The project
In addition, the observatory aims to involve researchers, analysts and experts in this area, with a view to enriching the analysis and creating a shared space.
Whom it is addressed to: the Observatory is addressed to public institutions, think tanks, academics and analysts, whose research focuses on the socio-political dynamics of the area.
In addition, the project aims to offer an all-round monitoring, in order to offer an alternative interpretation with a view to involving all the main actors in the region.
Objectives and results: the activities of the Observatory are oriented to provide an integrated system of information (quantitative and qualitative) and a series of useful tools to operators, policy makers, analysts – either from the region or not – and researchers who deal with processes of democratization and evolution of the dynamics, analyzed as a whole.
CeSPI has acquired the wealth of studies, analyses and activities accumulated by the Italian Centre for Peace in the Middle East [Centro italiano per la pace in Medioriente, CIPMO] during its 30 years of activity. A heritage that we wanted to preserve and make available in a sort of virtual library, available on the website of the CIPMO Association, which was disbanded in February 2020.
The Observatory produces research and information materials. Below you can browse and download them freely.