Book produced within the project “Measuring rural women’s empowerment: Issues and Challenges”. Theoretical, methodological and operative manual, defining guidelines for the implementation of a national system for the collection and analysis of data (from administrative and census sources and sample...
di Piero Fassino Le immagini tremende di bambini, donne, anziani che perdono la vita con atroci sofferenze causate dal gas nervino hanno scosso l'umanità intera. E suscitato un moto di angosciata indignazione. Proprio per i loro effetti mortali le armi chimiche sono interdette e vietate dalle...
Coordinato dal CIDOB di Barcellona, questo network mette insieme diversi think tank che operano in tutti i continenti sullo sviluppo urbano, sulla qualità della vita degli abitanti delle città in diversi ambiti (inclusione sociale, ambiente, trasporti, global governance, ecc.) con l’obiettivo di...
The paper analyses the changes of the "narrative" and of the EU policies on migrations and development in the last fifteen years and the concrete strategies gap; proposals for the change of those policies and strategies are put forward, also in view of the migrants' financial inclusion as an...
The paper analyses the cultural and political role of diasporas within democratisation, peace-making and social change processes in the origin and destination contexts; it examines, also in view of other European experiences, the Italian situation.
The paper looks into the causes of South-South migrations - the majority of the flows - particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, in order to better understand the dynamics and to share the need for a consistent and cooperative approach to the relation between migrations and development, particularly for...
The paper examines the elements through which climate change affects migrations and those geographical "hot spots" where such an impact can be more concentrated; it also analyses the so originated specific migrations models and their dynamics, also putting forward some proposals.
The first section of the Focus is devoted to one of the subjects prevailing in the European debate and political agenda: forced migrations. The link between security, humanitarian and development dimensions is studied in-depth. The regional section is focused on the European Union, analysing data...
The paper outlines the elements characterizing the EU Foreign Policy in a context of slow economic and political decline - accentuated by the crisis - in a multipolar world, examining the outcome on the relations between the Union and bordering countries, ambiguities and contradictions, all leading...
Periodic update of the flows of remittances from Italy toward the rest of the world and of the monthly cost of remittances to the 14 countries monitored by the website: