CeSPI manages the website, a tool for transparency, information and monitoring the cost of sending remittances; established in compliance with one of the points of the G8 Agenda: its purpose is to facilitate and improve the transfer of remittances to the countries of origin, a...
CeSPI provides technical assistance to the General Secretariat of the Central-American Integration System (SG-SICA) for the creation of territorial partnerships among towns belonging to six Central American cross-border regions, meant to prevent violence through development and social inclusion...
In connection with the Quantitative Survey, the project has studied in-depth and broadened the analysis with interviews and focus groups with migrants from various African countries of origin, specifically the first nine nationalities landed in 2016. The main researched topics are: quality of life...
It is a thorough survey based on 3000 interviews to asylum seekers whom have stayed for at least 2 months in the reception centres of 4 regions (Lombardy, Latium, Sicily and Apulia) and selected through sampling to statistically represent 9 nationalities (Somalia, Sudan, Gambia, Eritrea, ivory...
Preparatory meeting toward the July Forum on Civil Society, aimed at involving associations and organizations of the civil society and decetralised cooperation (Regions and local authorities) working within Western Balkans, in order to inform them of: the Forum's organisational steps; starting up a...
Coference organised by IAI in collaboration with MAECI and CeSPI. On the eve of the Italian Summit on western Balkans, which will be held in Trieste on the 12th of July 2017, within the Berlin Process, the Conference gathers various European experts for debate on the challenges awaiting the EU in...
The project aims at contributing, through measuring women's empowerment by applying the SIGI (Social Institution and Gender Index) methodology, to the strengthening of Senegal's Government competencies for the realization of the Nouvelle Stratégie de promotion de l’égalité de genre. Within its...
The Law 125/2014 has the ambitious objective of qualifying more decisively than the past the prominent role of private enterprises in development cooperation, presenting as a promotional tool for innovative ways of partnering the public and private sectors. A comparison between major international...
Pagina base
In questa sezione è possibile consultare i Rapporti annuali del CeSPI. All’interno dei Rapporti sono descritte le attività e le iniziative realizzate nei periodi di riferimento dal Centro Studi. Bolletino 2023 Bolletino 2022 Bollettino 2021 Bollettino 2020 Bollettino 2019 Bollettino 2018 B...
di Piero Fassino È un'Europa inquieta e alla ricerca di una nuova identità quella che celebra in questi giorni il suo sessantesimo compleanno. Sei decenni nei quali l'Europa ha costruito la più avanzata esperienza di integrazione sovranazionale realizzata dal dopoguerra ad oggi, assicurando al...