Long-standing line of research originating from the recognition that the European Union has a leading role in the creation of a broader perspective, a development strategy and international cooperation. The project's objective is that of promoting debate among Italian international cooperation...
This line of research, which has been active for years, focuses on Italy's influence in the various multilateral organizations, particularly in the UN system. The objective, by extending the analysis to IFIs, is to study in-depth the strategic directions that can contribute to orienting the country...
The Horn of Africa is one of the world's regions with the lowest socio-economical rates and highest environmental vulnerabilities. It includes ample areas where conflict, violence and lack of human rights characterize civil life and block sustainable development processes. The region is the scene...
The migrants' and refugees crisis is at the centre of the European political debate on migrations management. The project retraces the EU migratory policies, particularly the increasing trend of outsourcing the migrations' management and the recent bilateral agreements of the EU with partner...
Founded in 2011 with the collaboration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ABI (The Italian Banking Association), the Observatory is meant to provide a tool for the constant and comprehensive analysis and monitoring of the migrants' financial inclusion in our country, a necessary condition to...
In partnership with CLES, IRS, CNR and Codici, CeSPI has won a call for tender made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Department of civil liberties and immigration), by presenting a project proposal to provide scientific support to the Observatory, originated within the Ministry. The project...
CeSPI - together with IAI, ISPI e CESI - participates to the creation of the Observatory, promoted by the Chamber of Deputies, Senate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for providing qualified analysis and advice on the main events and trends of international scenarios and on issues directly...
CeSPI deals with the mapping of migrants' associations in Umbria and their participation in subsequent project-related actions in the framework of the project D.E.P.P., promoted by the Region Umbria in collaboration with ACTL, ALISEI, ABN and the same CeSPI. The project promotes: the knowledge and...
The CIPMO-CSA project "Migrations, reception, inclusion, co-development. The role of Med-African diasporas" , includes a mentoring and tutoring programme for individuals and associations whom attended the innovative training course - "MIGRANT TRAINER" - in autumn 2016, organised by Sunugal, an...
The Project's objective is to contribute to the full implementation of the right to food in Burkina Faso, improving the quality of life and nutrition of rural people and supporting the national strategy for poverty reduction. Particularly, the right to food should be ensured for 60.000 people in...